Source code for AD9958

.. module:: AD9958

# AD9958 Real time RF source Python library
# MIT License
# Copyright (c) 2018 Pau Gomez Kabelka <>
#Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
#of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
#in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
#to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
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#The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
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from __future__ import division
import serial
import numpy as np
import time

[docs]class AD9958_class: """ Main AD9958 class :param ser: Serial port object :type ser: serial.Serial :param ref_clk: REF_CLK frequency in Hz. :type ref_clk: int :param PLL_multiplier: PLL multiplier for the AD9958 (SYS_CLK=ref_clk*PLL_multiplier) :type PLL_MULTIPLIER: int :param chipkit_clk: System clock of the chipkit Max 32 :type chipkit_clk: int """ def __init__(self,ser,ref_clk,PLL_multiplier,chipkit_clk): #Clock properties self.REF_CLK=ref_clk self.PLL_MULTIPLIER=PLL_multiplier self.SYS_CLK=self.REF_CLK*self.PLL_MULTIPLIER self.CHIPKIT_CLK=chipkit_clk #Enables channels self.ch0Enabled=1 self.ch1Enabled=1 # Starting communication self.ser=ser forceRestartFlag=False if not(self.ser.isOpen()): forceRestartFlag=True print "Serial port closed. Requesting restart." else: if not(self.checkStackFinished()): forceRestartFlag=True print "Function stack not finished. Requesting restart." if forceRestartFlag: self.ser.close() print "Restarting serial port." time.sleep(5) #Waiting for microcontroller to start print "Serial port OK." # Modulation self.modulationLevel=0 self.PPC=0 #Sweep self.sweepType=None #Instructions counter self.instructionCounter=0 #Initializing register map self.registerMap0=np.zeros(25,dtype=np.uint32) #Register map of channel 0 self.registerMap1=np.zeros(25,dtype=np.uint32) #Register map of channel 1 self.registerMap=np.zeros(25,dtype=np.uint32) #Current register map self.commonRegisters=[0x00,0x01,0x02] #Registeres shared between channel 0 and channel 1
[docs] def reset(self): """ Resets the AD9958 chip by pulsing the RESET pin. """ self.ser.write("reset\n") self.instructionCounter+=1 return
[docs] def setRegister(self,registerAddress,registerValue,doIO_update=True): """ Sets an internal register of the AD9958 :param registerAddress: Register address. :type registerAddress: int :param registerValue: Value to be written into the register. :type registerValue: int :param doIO_update: Performs an IO update after writting to the register (Default is True). :type doIO_update: bool """ self.ser.write("setRegister "+str(registerAddress)+" "+str(registerValue)+" "+str(doIO_update&1)+" \n") self.instructionCounter+=1 #Individual registers if self.ch0Enabled or (registerAddress in self.commonRegisters): self.registerMap0[registerAddress]=registerValue if self.ch1Enabled or (registerAddress in self.commonRegisters): self.registerMap1[registerAddress]=registerValue #Working register if self.ch0Enabled: self.registerMap=np.copy(self.registerMap0) if self.ch1Enabled: self.registerMap=np.copy(self.registerMap1) if self.ch0Enabled and self.ch0Enabled: self.registerMap=self.registerMap0|self.registerMap1 return
# def readRegister(self,registerAddress): # self.ser.write("readRegister "+str(registerAddress)+" \n") # line = self.ser.readline() # read a '\n' terminated line # registerValue=int(line[:-1]) #removes "\n" terminator and converts to int # if self.ch0Enabled or (registerAddress in self.commonRegisters): # self.registerMap0[registerAddress]=registerValue # if self.ch1Enabled or (registerAddress in self.commonRegisters): # self.registerMap1[registerAddress]=registerValue # return # def readAllRegisters(self): # ch0EnabledAux=self.ch0Enabled # ch1EnabledAux=self.ch1Enabled # #Reading registers of channel 0 # self.setEnabledChannels(1,0) # for i in range (0,25): # self.readRegister(i) # # Reading registers of channel 1 # self.setEnabledChannels(0,1) # for i in range (0,25): # self.readRegister(i) # self.setEnabledChannels(ch0EnabledAux,ch1EnabledAux) # return
[docs] def setEnabledChannels(self,setCh0Enabled,setCh1Enabled): """ Sets the enabled channels for the communication (read/write) of the AD9958 registers. The communication will only affect the channel with a logic high value. :param setCh0Enabled: Flag for channel 0 (True-> comm. enabled ; False-> comm. disabled). :type setCh0Enabled: bool :param setCh1Enabled: Flag for channel 1 (True-> comm. enabled ; False-> comm. disabled). :type setCh1Enabled: bool .. note:: Channels 0x00, 0x01 and 0x02 are shared registers and get programmed regardless of the enabled channels settings. """ self.ch0Enabled=setCh0Enabled self.ch1Enabled=setCh1Enabled flag=((setCh1Enabled&1)<<7)+((setCh0Enabled&1)<<6) registerAddress=0x00 registerValue=flag+(1<<1) self.setRegister(registerAddress,registerValue) return
[docs] def configureSysClock(self): """ Configures the SYS_CLK of the AD9958: sets the VCO gain and the PLL_MULTIPLIER. """ registerAddress=0x01 if self.SYS_CLK>255e6: VCO_gain_control=1 else: VCO_gain_control=0 Charge_pump_control=0 registerValue=(VCO_gain_control<<23)+((self.PLL_MULTIPLIER)<<18)+(Charge_pump_control<<16) self.setRegister(registerAddress,registerValue) return
[docs] def setSingleToneMode(self): """ Enables the Single Tone Mode of the AD9958. """ # AFP Select AFP_Select=0 flag=AFP_Select<<22 mask=~(3<<22) #mask for unchanged bits registerAddress=0x03 registerValue=(mask&self.registerMap[registerAddress])|flag self.setRegister(registerAddress,registerValue) #set amplitude multiplier amplitudeMultiplierEnable=1 registerAddress=0x06 flag=amplitudeMultiplierEnable<<12 mask=~(1<<12) registerValue=(mask&self.registerMap[registerAddress])|flag self.setRegister(registerAddress,registerValue) return
[docs] def setFreqTuningWord(self,channelId,tuningWord): """ Sets the frequency tuning word. Perfroms the frequency register mapping from channelId to the AD9958 register addresses. :param channelId: channel ID (0-15) :type channelId: int :param tuningWord: frequency tuning word (minVal=0 maxVal=2^32-1) :type tuningWord: int """ if channelId==0: registerAddress=0x04 else: registerAddress=0x09+channelId registerValue=tuningWord self.setRegister(registerAddress,registerValue) return
[docs] def setPhaseTuningWord(self,channelId,tuningWord): """Sets the phase tuning word. Perfroms the phase register mapping from channelId to the AD9958 register addresses. :param channelId: channel ID (minVal=0 maxVal=15) :type channelId: int :param tuningWord: phase tuning word (minVal=0 maxVal=2^14-1) :type tuningWord: int """ if channelId==0: registerAddress=0x05 registerValue=tuningWord else: registerAddress=0x09+channelId registerValue=(tuningWord<<18) self.setRegister(registerAddress,registerValue) return
[docs] def setAmplitudeTuningWord(self,channelId,tuningWord): """Sets the amplitude tuning word. Perfroms the amplitude register mapping from channelId to the AD9958 register addresses. :param channelId: channel ID (minVal=0 maxVal=15) :type channelId: int :param tuningWord: amplitude tuning word (minVal=0 maxVal=2^10-1) :type tuningWord: int """ if channelId==0: registerAddress=0x06 mask=~(2**10-1) #mask for unchanged bits registerValue=(mask&self.registerMap[registerAddress])|tuningWord else: registerAddress=0x09+channelId registerValue=(tuningWord<<22) self.setRegister(registerAddress,registerValue) return
[docs] def setFreq(self,channelId,freq): """Sets the frequency for a given channel ID. :param channelId: channel ID (minVal=0 maxVal=15) :type channelId: int :param freq: frequency in Hz (minVal=0 maxVal=SYS_CLK*(2^32-1)/2^32= 499999999.8835) :type freq: float """ tuningWord=int((freq/self.SYS_CLK)*(2**32)) self.setFreqTuningWord(channelId,tuningWord) return
[docs] def setPhase(self,channelId,phase): """Sets the phase for a given channel ID . :param channelId: channel ID (minVal=0 maxVal=15) :type channelId: int :param phase: phase in degrees (minVal=0 maxVal=360*(2^14-1)/2^14=359.9780) :type phase: float """ tuningWord=int(phase/360.*(2**14)) self.setPhaseTuningWord(channelId,tuningWord) return
[docs] def setAmplitude(self, channelId,amplitude): """Sets the amplitude for a given channel ID. :param channelId: channel ID (minVal=0 maxVal=15) :type channelId: int :param amplitude: amplitude (minVal=0 maxVal=1) :type amplitude: float """ tuningWord=int(amplitude*(2**10-1)) self.setAmplitudeTuningWord(channelId,tuningWord) return
[docs] def IO_update(self): """Performs an IO update. """ self.ser.write("IO_update \n") self.instructionCounter+=1 return
[docs] def setModulationMode(self,modulationTypeSelect,modulationLevelSelect,priorityChannel): """ Enables the modulation mode. For modulation levels 8 and 16, the PPC bits are set such that the profile PINs are only assigned to the priority channel. :param modulationTypeSelect: Type of modulation: "amplitude", "frequency" or "phase". :type modulationTypeSelect: str :param modulationLevelSelect: Depth of modulation: 2,4,8,16. :type modulationLevelSelect: int :param priorityChannel: Channel (0 or 1) for which the modulation is set up in case of modulations levels 8 and 16. :type priorityChannel: int """ if modulationTypeSelect=="amplitude": AFP=1 amplitudeMultiplierEnable=0 elif modulationTypeSelect=="frequency": AFP=2 amplitudeMultiplierEnable=1 elif modulationTypeSelect=="phase": AFP=3 amplitudeMultiplierEnable=1 # Set AFP, linearSweepEnable, amplitudeMultiplierEnable linearSweepEnable=0 registerAddress=0x03 flag=(AFP<<22)+(linearSweepEnable<<14) mask=~((3<<22)+(1<<14)) registerValue=(mask&self.registerMap[registerAddress])|flag self.setRegister(registerAddress,registerValue) #set amplitude multiplier if modulationLevelSelect==2: self.modulationLevel=0 self.PPC=0 elif modulationLevelSelect==4: self.modulationLevel=1 self.PPC=(1<<2)+1 elif modulationLevelSelect==8: self.modulationLevel=2 if priorityChannel==0: self.PPC=1<<1 elif priorityChannel==1: self.PPC=(1<<1)+1 elif modulationLevelSelect==16: self.modulationLevel=3 if priorityChannel==0: self.PPC=1<<1 elif priorityChannel==1: self.PPC=(1<<1)+1 rampUpRampDown=0 registerAddress=0x01 flag=(self.modulationLevel<<8)+(rampUpRampDown<<10)+(self.PPC<<12) mask=~((3<<8)+(3<<10)+(7<<12)) registerValue=(mask&self.registerMap[registerAddress])|flag self.setRegister(registerAddress,registerValue) registerAddress=0x06 flag=(amplitudeMultiplierEnable<<12) mask=~(1<<12) registerValue=(mask&self.registerMap[registerAddress])|flag self.setRegister(registerAddress,registerValue) return
[docs] def setSweepMode(self,sweepTypeSelect): """ Enables the sweep mode. :param sweepTypeSelect: Type of sweep: "amplitude", "frequency" or "phase". :type sweepTypeSelect: str """ #Sweep type self.sweepType=sweepTypeSelect # Modulation level, PPC self.modulationLevel=0 self.PPC=0 registerAddress=0x01 flag=(self.modulationLevel<<8)+(self.PPC<<12) mask=~((3<<8)+(3<<10)+(7<<12)) registerValue=(mask&self.registerMap[registerAddress])|flag self.setRegister(registerAddress,registerValue) #AFP, linearSweepEnable if self.sweepType=="amplitude": AFP=1 elif self.sweepType=="frequency": AFP=2 elif self.sweepType=="phase": AFP=3 linearSweepEnable=1 registerAddress=0x03 flag=(AFP<<22)+(linearSweepEnable<<14) mask=~((3<<22)+(1<<14)) registerValue=(mask&self.registerMap[registerAddress])|flag self.setRegister(registerAddress,registerValue) #set amplitude multiplier if self.sweepType=="amplitude": amplitudeMultiplierEnable=0 elif self.sweepType=="frequency": amplitudeMultiplierEnable=1 elif self.sweepType=="phase": amplitudeMultiplierEnable=1 registerAddress=0x06 flag=amplitudeMultiplierEnable<<12 mask=~(1<<12) registerValue=(mask&self.registerMap[registerAddress])|flag self.setRegister(registerAddress,registerValue)
[docs] def setSweepParameters(self,lowValue,highValue,rampUpTime,rampDownTime): """ The optimal RSRR,RDW,FSRR,FDW values are found using :func:`AD9958_class.findOptimalRamp`. :param lowValue: Low value in the units of amplitude,frequency or phase. :type lowValue: float :param highValue: High value in the units of amplitude,frequency or phase. :type highValue: float :param rampUpTime: Ramp up time in s. :type rampUpTime: float :param rampDownTime: Ramp down time in s. :type rampDownTime: float .. warning:: The optimal ramp found via :func:`AD9958_class.findOptimalRamp` is protected from a register overflow. However, if **highValue** is too close to its maximum, there might be no suitable ramp up for the chosen parameters. In this case, an error message is raized and RSRR,RDW,FSRR,FDW are set to 0. """ #Calulate RSRR,RDW,FSRR,FDW RSRR,RDW,FSRR,FDW=self.findOptimalRamp(self.sweepType,lowValue,highValue,rampUpTime,rampDownTime) #Set RSRR and FSRR registerAddress=0x07 registerValue=(FSRR<<8)+RSRR self.setRegister(registerAddress,registerValue) #Set RDW registerAddress=0x08 registerValue=RDW self.setRegister(registerAddress,registerValue) #Set FDW registerAddress=0x09 registerValue=FDW self.setRegister(registerAddress,registerValue) S0=lowValue E0=highValue #Set S0, E0 if self.sweepType=="amplitude": self.setAmplitude(0,S0) self.setAmplitude(1,E0) elif self.sweepType=="frequency": self.setFreq(0,S0) self.setFreq(1,E0) elif self.sweepType=="phase": self.setPhase(0,S0) self.setPhase(1,E0) return
[docs] def setDACFullScale(self): """ Sets the DAC output amplitude to full scale. """ registerAddress=0x03 flag=(3<<8) mask=~(3<<8) registerValue=(mask&self.registerMap[registerAddress])|flag self.setRegister(registerAddress,registerValue) return
[docs] def findOptimalRamp(self,rampTypeSelect,lowValue,highValue,rampUpTime,rampDownTime): """ Finds the optimal values for RSRR,RDW,FSRR,FDW for a given ramp. Each rising (R) or falling (F) ramps is characterized by a rising/falling delta word xDW and rising/faling delta time calculated from xSRR. For a given xSRR the time steps, the total number of initiated time steps and slopes are: .. math:: \Delta t &=\mbox{SYNC\_CLK}\cdot xSRR \\\\ N_{time\; steps} &=\mbox{ceil} \Big( \dfrac{rampXTime}{\Delta t} \Big) \\\\ slope &= \dfrac{E0-S0}{rampXTime} where SYNC\_CLK=SYS_CLK/4=125MHz and S0 and E0 are the start and end points of the ramp written into the 32 bit registers of the AD9958. The xDW is calculated as follows: .. math:: xDW=\mbox{ceil} \Big( \dfrac{E0-S0}{N_{time\; steps}} \Big) The figure of merit :math:`\\xi` evaluates the deviation form the obtained sweep to an ideal linear ramp: .. math:: \\xi=\sum_{i=1}^{N_{DAC \; steps}} \int_{(i-1)\cdot \Delta t}^{i\cdot\Delta t}dt( i \cdot xDW -slope\cdot t )^2 + \int_{N_{DAC \; steps} \cdot \Delta t}^{rampXTime}dt( N_{DAC \; steps} \cdot xDW -slope\cdot t )^2 where :math:`N_{DAC \; steps}=\mbox{floor} \Big( \dfrac{E0-S0}{xDW} \Big)` For all xSRR ranging form 1 to 255, the figure of merit is evaluated analytically. The mimum of them is chosen as the optimum ramp parameter. :param rampTypeSelect: Type of ramp: "amplitude", "frequency" or "phase". :type sweepTypeSelect: str :param lowValue: Low value in the units of amplitude,frequency or phase. :type lowValue: float :param highValue: High value in the units of amplitude,frequency or phase. :type highValue: float :param rampUpTime: Ramp up time in s. :type rampUpTime: float :param rampDownTime: Ramp down time in s. :type rampDownTime: float :return: [RSRR,RDW,FSRR,FDW] .. warning:: The AD9958 register overflows during a rising sweep when :math:`RDW\cdot \Tilde{N}_{DAC \; steps}+S0\geq 2^{32}` where :math:`\Tilde{N}_{DAC \; steps}=\mbox{ceil} \Big( \dfrac{E0-S0}{xDW} \Big)`. The current implementation of :func:`AD9958_class.findOptimalRamp` excludes solutions leading to a register overflow. In case no alternative solution can be found, an error is raised and [0,0,0,0] is returned. """ SYNC_CLK=self.SYS_CLK/4. #RAMP UP RSRRArray=np.array([]) RDWArray=np.array([]) figureOfMeritArray=np.array([]) for RSRR in range(1,255): timeStep=RSRR/SYNC_CLK # NTimeSteps=np.ceil(rampUpTime/timeStep)#Amount of rising steps if rampTypeSelect=="frequency": S0=int(lowValue/self.SYS_CLK*2**32) E0=int(highValue/self.SYS_CLK*2**32) RDW=int(np.ceil((E0-S0)/NTimeSteps)) elif rampTypeSelect=="phase": S0=int(lowValue/360*2**14)<<18 E0=int(highValue/360*2**14)<<18 RDW=int(np.ceil((E0-S0)/NTimeSteps)) RDW=((RDW>>18)<<18) elif rampTypeSelect=="amplitude": S0=int(lowValue*2**10)<<22 E0=int(highValue*2**10)<<22 RDW=int(np.ceil((E0-S0)/NTimeSteps)) RDW=((RDW>>22)<<22) if RDW>0: slope=(E0-S0)/(rampUpTime) NDACSteps=np.floor((E0-S0)/RDW) NDACStepsCeil=np.ceil((E0-S0)/RDW) figureOfMerit=0 #ramp up figure of merit figureOfMerit+=1/6 *NDACSteps *timeStep *(RDW**2* (1 + NDACSteps)* (1 + 2 *NDACSteps) - RDW *slope *(1 + NDACSteps) *(-1 + 4* NDACSteps)* timeStep + 2 *slope**2 *NDACSteps**2 *timeStep**2) figureOfMerit+=1/3* slope**2 *(rampUpTime - NDACSteps*timeStep)**3 # Saving RSRR,RDW and figureOfMerit if (RDW*NDACStepsCeil+S0)<2**32: #Avoids sweep overflow RDWArray=np.append(RDWArray,[RDW]) RSRRArray=np.append(RSRRArray,[RSRR]) figureOfMeritArray=np.append(figureOfMeritArray,[figureOfMerit]) #Finding best figureOfMerit try: minIndex=np.where(figureOfMeritArray==np.min(figureOfMeritArray))[0][0] RSRR=RSRRArray[minIndex] RDW=RDWArray[minIndex] print "Ramp up time: %.2e"%((E0-S0)/RDW*RSRR/SYNC_CLK) except: print "ERROR: the chosen final point amd ramp up time lead to register overflow for all available time steps (RSRR). Try a slightly smaller final point and/or a longer ramp." return [0,0,0,0] #RAMP DOWN FSRRArray=np.array([]) FDWArray=np.array([]) figureOfMeritArray=np.array([]) for FSRR in range(1,255): timeStep=FSRR/SYNC_CLK # NTimeSteps=np.ceil(rampDownTime/timeStep)#Amount of rising steps if rampTypeSelect=="frequency": S0=int(lowValue/self.SYS_CLK*2**32) E0=int(highValue/self.SYS_CLK*2**32) FDW=int(np.ceil((E0-S0)/NTimeSteps)) elif rampTypeSelect=="phase": S0=int(lowValue/360*2**14)<<18 E0=int(highValue/360*2**14)<<18 FDW=int(np.ceil((E0-S0)/NTimeSteps)) FDW=((FDW>>18)<<18) elif rampTypeSelect=="amplitude": S0=int(lowValue*2**10)<<22 E0=int(highValue*2**10)<<22 FDW=int(np.ceil((E0-S0)/NTimeSteps)) FDW=((FDW>>22)<<22) if FDW>0: slope=(E0-S0)/(rampDownTime) NDACSteps=np.floor((E0-S0)/FDW) figureOfMerit=0 #ramp up figure of merit figureOfMerit+=1/6 *NDACSteps *timeStep *(FDW**2* (1 + NDACSteps)* (1 + 2 *NDACSteps) - FDW *slope *(1 + NDACSteps) *(-1 + 4* NDACSteps)* timeStep + 2 *slope**2 *NDACSteps**2 *timeStep**2) figureOfMerit+=1/3* slope**2 *(rampDownTime - NDACSteps*timeStep)**3 FDWArray=np.append(FDWArray,[FDW]) FSRRArray=np.append(FSRRArray,[FSRR]) figureOfMeritArray=np.append(figureOfMeritArray,[figureOfMerit]) #Finding best figureOfMerit minIndex=np.where(figureOfMeritArray==np.min(figureOfMeritArray))[0][0] FSRR=FSRRArray[minIndex] FDW=FDWArray[minIndex] print "Ramp down time: %.2e"%((E0-S0)/FDW*FSRR/SYNC_CLK) return np.array([RSRR,RDW,FSRR,FDW],dtype=int)
[docs] def setTriggerOut(self,flag): """ Sets the state of the output trigger pin. :param flag: Trigger state. :type flag: bool """ self.ser.write("setTriggerOut "+str(flag&1)+ "\n") self.instructionCounter+=1 return
[docs] def setProfilePins (self,pin0Flag,pin1Flag,pin2Flag,pin3Flag): """ Sets the profile pins output sates. :param pin0Flag: Profile pin 0 state. :type pin0Flag: bool :param pin1Flag: Profile pin 1 state. :type pin1Flag: bool :param pin2Flag: Profile pin 2 state. :type pin2Flag: bool :param pin3Flag: Profile pin 3 state. :type pin3Flag: bool """ self.ser.write("setProfilePins "+str(pin0Flag&1)+" "+str(pin1Flag&1)+" "+str(pin2Flag&1)+" "+str(pin3Flag&1)+" \n") self.instructionCounter+=1 return
[docs] def waitTriggerIn(self): """ Waits for a rising edge on the trigger input port. """ self.ser.write("waitTriggerIn\n") self.instructionCounter+=1 return
[docs] def delayTimer(self,time): """ Holds the execution for the given amount of time. Uses Timer 2 and Timer 3 of the Chipkit Max32 in 32 bit mode. :param time: Hold time in seconds (max. 52s) :type time: float """ clkCycles=time*self.CHIPKIT_CLK self.ser.write("delayTimer "+str(clkCycles)+" \n") self.instructionCounter+=1 return
[docs] def resetTimer(self): """ Resets the internal timer (Timer 4 and Timer 5 of the Chipkit Max32) used for :func:`AD9958_class.waitForTimer`. """ self.ser.write("resetTimer \n") self.instructionCounter+=1 return
[docs] def waitForTimer(self,time): """ Waits until the the internal timer has reached the specified time. Uses Timer 4 and Timer 5 of the Chipkit Max32 in 32 bit mode. :param time: Value of the timer (in s) until execution is resumed. :type time: float """ clkCycles=time*self.CHIPKIT_CLK self.ser.write("waitForTimer "+str(clkCycles)+" \n") self.instructionCounter+=1 return
[docs] def clearPhaseAccumulator(self,doIO_update=True): """ Clears the phase accumulator of the AD9958. It enables and disables the autoclear phase accumulator. """ flag=1<<2 mask=~(1<<2) registerAddress=0x03 registerValue=(mask&self.registerMap[registerAddress])|flag self.setRegister(registerAddress,registerValue,doIO_update&1) flag=0<<2 mask=~(1<<2) registerAddress=0x03 registerValue=(mask&self.registerMap[registerAddress])|flag self.setRegister(registerAddress,registerValue,doIO_update&1) return
[docs] def setModulationRegister(self,regChannel0,regChannel1): """ Sets the active amplitude/frequency/phase register for the ongoing modulation/sweep. Profile pins are set according to the modulation level and priority channel (encoded in PPC). :param regChannel0: Active register for channel 0. :type regChannel0: int :param regChannel1: Active register for channel 1. :type regChannel1: int """ if self.modulationLevel==0: P0=0 P1=0 P2=regChannel0 P3=regChannel1 if self.modulationLevel==1: P0=(regChannel0>>1)&1 P1=(regChannel0>>0)&1 P2=(regChannel1>>1)&1 P3=(regChannel1>>0)&1 if self.modulationLevel==2: if self.PPC==(1<<1): P0=(regChannel0>>2)&1 P1=(regChannel0>>1)&1 P2=(regChannel0>>0)&1 P3=0 elif self.PPC==((1<<1)+1): P0=(regChannel1>>2)&1 P1=(regChannel1>>1)&1 P2=(regChannel1>>0)&1 P3=0 if self.modulationLevel==3: if self.PPC==(1<<1): P0=(regChannel0>>3)&1 P1=(regChannel0>>2)&1 P2=(regChannel0>>1)&1 P3=(regChannel0>>0)&1 elif self.PPC==((1<<1)+1): P0=(regChannel1>>3)&1 P1=(regChannel1>>2)&1 P2=(regChannel1>>1)&1 P3=(regChannel1>>0)&1 self.setProfilePins(P0,P1,P2,P3) return
[docs] def clearStack(self): """ Clears the function stack. """ self.ser.write("clearStack \n") self.instructionCounter=0 return
[docs] def runStack(self): """ Starts the function stack. """ self.ser.write("runStack \n") return
[docs] def checkLenRequest(self): """ Returns the number of requested function stack instructions. :returns: Message of type *Requested instructions: X*. """ return "Requested instructions: %d"%self.instructionCounter
[docs] def checkLenStack(self): """ Returns the current and maximum number of programmed instructions on the function stack. :returns: Message of type *Programmed instructions: X (max len Y)*. """ self.ser.write("checkLenStack \n") txtStr=self.ser.readline() return txtStr[:-1] #returns all execpt the linebreak
[docs] def checkStackFinished(self): """ Checks if the function stack execution is finished. Returns True if the funtion stack is empty or under consytruction. Return False if the function stack is still in execution (after calling runStack()). :returns: True/False. """ self.ser.write("checkStackFinished \n") if self.ser.readline()=="OK\n": return True else: return False
[docs] def enableAutomaticRURD(self,stepSize,amplitudeRampRate): """ Enables the automatic ramp up/down feature controled by :func:`AD9958_class.setRampPins`. The total time elapsed after a full ramp up/down is: .. math:: \dfrac{2^{10}-1}{SYNC\_CLK} \dfrac{amplitudeRampRate}{2^{stepSize}} For SYS_CLK=4xSYNC_CLK=500MHz this reduces to: .. math:: 8.2\dfrac{amplitudeRampRate}{2^{stepSize}}\;\; us :param stepSize: DAC step size selector. Accepted values: {0,1,2,3}. :type stepSize: int :param amplitudeRampRate: Prescaler for the internal counter. Accepted values: 1-255. :type amplitudeRampRate: int """ flag=(amplitudeRampRate<<16)+(stepSize<<14)+(3<<11) mask=~((255<<16)+(3<<14)+(3<<11)) registerAddress=0x06 registerValue=(mask&self.registerMap[registerAddress])|flag self.setRegister(registerAddress,registerValue,doIO_update=1) return
[docs] def disableAutomaticRURD(self): """ Disables the automatic ramp up/down feature controled by :func:`AD9958_class.setRampPins`. """ flag=0<<11 mask=~(1<<11) registerAddress=0x06 registerValue=(mask&self.registerMap[registerAddress])|flag self.setRegister(registerAddress,registerValue,doIO_update=1) return
[docs] def setAutomaticRURDPins(self,ch0Flag,ch1Flag): """ Sets the amplitude to be ramped up or down on channel 0 and channel 1 . :param ch0Flag: amplitude ramp flag (True->ramp up; False->ramp down) :type ch0Flag: bool :param ch1Flag: amplitude ramp flag (True->ramp up; False->ramp down) :type ch1Flag: bool """ self.setProfilePins(0,0,ch0Flag,ch1Flag) return